Monday, April 28, 2008

Pastor Jeremiah Wright Strikes Out

Obama's Pastor Jeremiah Wright fielded questions this morning at the Washington Press Club. Anyone expecting a legitimate man of the cloth was sadly disappointed. Part of the time he played the buffoon and part of the time he grandstanded. Mostly, he talked around questions.

In this, he was really acting like a politician. Asked about his incendiary remarks during his "sermons", at one point his response was to repeatedly ask the questioner if she has heard the entire sermon. When she said that she had not, he dismissed the question.

Whether one listens to a sound bite or the entire sermon, using the GD word in church, where people bring their children to worship, is nothing short of pathetic.

At least twice he joked that he was probably going to be vice president. I doubt that anyone expected him to come across as repentant, but by the same token, I doubt that anyone attended hoping to see a sad stand-up comedy routine.

Clearly this was a man enjoying being in the limelight. Why on earth would he do this to Obama?

Discussing all the hubbub surrounding his absurd performances behind the pulpit, he attempted to justify them. When asked about his insistence that the government had developed AIDS to target the black community, he mentioned a couple of books that apparently he takes as gospel, so to speak.

He repeatedly stated that the media wasn't after him, they're after the "black church". It's becoming more and more evident that the pastor is wallowing in a sea of conspiracy theories. The sad thing is that men like him are doing everything they can to keep the races at odds, all the while lining their pockets with money. Piety, where is thy sting?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

National Black Republican Association Defines the Truth

Francis Rice, the chairperson of the National Black Republican Association, aims to wipe away the hype and point out the truth of the agendas of the two major political parties. Republicans, she says, are the ones that strive to empower blacks.

She points out, "The Democratic party has built its power base on the backs of poor blacks, and they want to keep blacks poor, angry, and voting for Democrats."

On the other side of the aisle, the Republicans foster programs to get the needy out of the poverty cycle, rather than developing programs that keep them dependent, and voting for more of the same.

For more information on the organization, see

Monday, April 21, 2008

Do Tax Cuts Work?

As the presidential debates and monologues intensify, tax cuts, income tax, and who pays their fair share is once again a popular topic. Which side of the fence are you on?

On the liberal side, the mantra is that the richest income earners should pony up more income tax because they can afford it. On the conservative side the mantra is that singling out high income earners is a punishment for hard work and innovation.

Let's look at the cold facts.

The following figures and statistics come from Stephen Moore via the Glenn Beck radio show a while ago. Mr. Moore is a highly regarded economist whose writing can be found in the Wall Street Journal.

  • The top 1% of wage earners contribute 39% of the total income tax paid in the U.S.
  • The top 5% of wage earners contribute 59.9% of the total income tax paid in the U.S.
  • The bottom 50% of wage earners contribute only 3% of the total income tax paid in the U.S.
So it seems that who contributes their fair share is spelled out in black and white already. The top 6% already bear the brunt of funding the government coffers. Of the bottom 50%, shouldn't 3% compared to 59.9% be considered fair? Well, it is, unless unless Marxist philosophy is the guideline.

But this isn't about that.

This is about the implications of putting more of a burden on the top 5% of wage earners. The fact of the matter is that 2 out of 3 that fall into this category are small business owners. Small business owners create more jobs than any other sector. Well, except for maybe Walmart? And the government?

The realistic implication of taxing them further is that they will lose the incentive for expanding the market, pushing technology, and creating jobs.

The moral implication of taxing them further is punitive, not "fair". They took the risk, they worked the long hours to get the business off the ground. So why deny them the reward?

Without subscribing to any particular political agenda, this is a common sense issue. Why do people emigrate to the U.S. and work eighteen hours a day building up their business to claim their share of the American pie?

And please, show me one senator out there who raves about taxing high wage earners who doesn't seek out every tax deduction at the end of the year and declines the lucrative health care programs and retirements that we can't get. But that we pay for. Which it seems is a tax itself.

Please, show me just one.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Is it Time to Return to Nuclear Energy?

There seems to be a resurgence of interest in nuclear energy here in the United States. Some are calling the movement a "nuclear revival". But what's fueling all the momentum? In a nutshell, petroleum prices.

But the U.S. isn't the only country embracing the atom. Finland already has four plants in operation and has a new one coming out of the ground. Egypt has plants on the drawing board and guess who's slated to build them? Russia. Anyone recall Chernobyl?

The UK's string of nuclear power plants are responsible for lighting up one sixth of the island nation already. Understandably, they're looking to build more.

Of course, in the U.S. we have options to look at. We've still got huge coal reserves. Last week it was announced that a massive oil reserve was discovered under a lake out west - more than all the oil in Saudi Arabia. If the environmentalists can be brought on board, perhaps we can finally loosen the strangle grip the Middle East has on us.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Rep. Frank Says Yes to Marijuana

Ron Paul (R-Texas) joined Barney Frank (D-Mass.) in sponsoring a bill that would legalize the use of medical marijuana and, in addition, decriminalize the use of marijuana.

This idea has been floated in the past. In fact, some areas have decriminalized possession of small amounts and allowed it for medical reasons, only to have the pendulum swing back the other way by federal intervention. (Some would say meddling in state's affairs.)

The timing of this bill is interesting, coming just as the presidential primaries are reaching critical mass; well, at least in the Democrat camp. It will be interesting to see how this plays if the candidates are put in the position of having to state an opinion.

And no, no one wants to hear that lame line about not inhaling.

Frank does have a good point when he stated, “I think it is poor law enforcement to keep on the books legislation that establishes as a crime something which in fact society does not seriously wish to prosecute.”

The problem here is that the issue of the war on drugs, at least where it applies to marijuana, is nothing more than a political football. Like IRS reforms, so many federal jobs depend on it that it's just not going to go away.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Is Iran Preparing to be Slammed?

There's a lot of buzz lately about Iran's nuclear program again. Much of this is inferred by recent developments rather than by explicit statements. For example, Israel, who would certainly be the recipient of retaliation, has been conducting large scale military preparations.

Also, a statement by Israel’s National Infrastructure Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer braced Tehran about anticipated attacks on the Jewish homeland.

“An Iranian attack will prompt a severe reaction from Israel, which will destroy the Iranian nation,” he said.

Witness also VP Dick Cheney's recent whirlwind tour through the middle east. Innocent timing or downplayed diplomacy? Good question, and open to debate.

Iran has supplied Hezbollah with an arsenal that now contains “tens of thousands of missiles,” reports the Washington Post. This begs the question - why the buildup now? There seems to be only one likely explanation; an attack on a large scale is on the radar screen.

This would be a huge mistake on Iran's part. Their crackpot vision of a worldwide caliphate governing body might inspire them to such suicidal tomfoolery, but make no mistake about it, when bark comes to bite, the world community will take energy stability over religious zealotry in a heartbeat.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Superdelegates Harbor Employment Anxiety

There's been waves of scuttlebutt recently about Democrat superdelegates. Most of this has centered on how in principle, they thwart the will of the people, while keeping the real decision-making in the party's hands.

Now it seems that many superdelegates are swapping feelings of power with anxiety about keeping their jobs. This is especially true with freshman congressmen and representatives. If they vote the wrong way, they stand to lose many constituents when election day rolls around.

Even some with tenure are becoming a bit apprehensive. If the primaries weren't so tight, they could safely go with the front runner. But this race is too tight to call. And that's why they're keeping mum - hoping for unraveling events to save them.

Many party heavies are calling for all superdelegates to commit early, leaving one dog in the race to battle McCain. Texas Rep. Ciro Rodriguez, only in office since 2006, reports that House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (Maryland) has called for bringing all the uncommitted members together before the last primary elections to squeeze a decision from the uncommitted.

"We all agree that we need to decide," Rodriguez said.

However, a spokeswoman for Hoyer denied that any such meeting was scheduled. Sitting on the fence about not sitting on the fence? Your tax dollars at work.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

China Eases Internet Restrictions

China has taken moves to relax internet restrictions - somewhat. For example, the Chinese government isn't enforcing complete lack of access to Wikipedia, only access to politically sensitive issues like "Tibet" or "Tiananmen Square."

But the deeper question is why? What prompted the notoriously paranoid government to make this move? As it turns out, officials from the International Olympic Committee (IOC) pressured them into making the loosening their reins.

They told them that too much internet blocking "would reflect very poorly" on China during the upcoming Olympic games. So, enjoy your surfing now, comrades; the party's over once the games are over and the athletes have packed up their medals.

At some point, the Chinese are going to have to make up their minds which way to go. Either go with the rest of the world or remain in an oppressive mindset. Ironically, the country which claims to revere communism is actually embracing capitalism. Money talks, bovine excrement walks.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Randi Rhodes Flames Out, Political Correctness Prevails

Air America talk show host Randi Rhodes has been suspended by chair Charlie Kireker over some questionable comments she made about presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton and prior sidekick Geraldine Ferraro. What was the word? Well, it starts with "wh" and rhymes with "door". Use your imagination.

Did she use good judgment? Probably not. Should she be suspended? Absolutely not. This has nothing to do with her but everything to do with Air America's C.Y.A. She said it in a comedy club, for crying out loud.

If you go into a comedy club, you know what you're getting into. If you listen to Air America, you know what you're getting into. Mr. Kireker, you should be ashamed of yourself. But I guess you'll be getting your bonus. Wait, selling out for money would make you a, oh wait, let's not go there.

This is part of what is wrong with our current value system and our obsession with the disease of political correctness. If we're going to be serious about it, why are people still defending Pastor Wright after what he said in church, in front of children?

Why are rappers allowed to profit by using the "N" word and advocating killing cops? There's nothing correct about political correctness. It's just that simple.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Obama Taps Gore for Cabinet Post

As Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton continue to slug it out for the Democrat party's Commander in Chief nominee, neither seems able to lock it down. New strategies are called for and Obama's idea of thinking out of the box is announcing that he will put Al Gore on his cabinet as global warming czar.

"I would," Obama said. "Not only will I, but I will make a commitment that Al Gore will be at the table and play a central part in us figuring out how we solve this problem. He's somebody I talk to on a regular basis. I'm already consulting with him in terms of these issues but climate change is real."

But is this really a good idea? On the one hand, the whole global warming thing is still murky business - nobody has proven it conclusively one way or the other. But by making this announcement, Obama is giving it credibility. And in so doing, he captures the votes of all those who embrace the doomsday scenario.

Of course, the gamble is that it may turn many voters away. Gore has become something of a lunatic at times since his stint as Clinton's co-pilot. I'm not sure he would be the right person to have the ear of the president. Shades of Rasputin. What's next, Michael Moore?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Murtha's Marine Mistakes

Rep. John Murtha, D-Pennsylvania, is once again embroiled in a sad case where he spoke before making sure all his bases were covered. Along with Time magazine, Murtha made accusations that 8 U.S. Marines committed murder in Haditha, Iraq. Supposedly this occurred as some sort of revenge spree.

After legal proceedings costing you, the Average Joe Taxpayer, over $40 million dollars, it seems it was all bunk. It's bad enough that Murtha earns his daily dime by "serving" the citizens of Pennsylvania, but do we really need to fund his grandstanding efforts to get his name in the daily news cycle?

But what is it with Murtha and the U.S. Marine Corp, really? It seems that this isn't the first time Murtha has waved his Marine banner for political gain.

Indeed, according to, Murtha served in Vietnam and walked away with two purple hearts. Unfortunately, they were made at the same factory as John Kerry's medals. In other words, not only were the "combat injuries" mere scratches, but he even had to shop around in an attempt to get the medals awarded (U.S. Rep. John Saylor, R-Pa.).

This sort of political behavior is pathetic, really. Real heros don't have to shop for medals, they're awarded. Real heros don't ruin real Marine's careers for the sake of fleeting political gain, either. Shame on you John Murtha. And shame on you, Time magazine.