Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Recession and Recreational Activity

Everyone knows we are deep in a global recession. The two questions on most people's minds are, "How will it affect me?" and "When will it turn around and stabilize my life and 401K?"

Even the brightest economists can't touch the second question; there are too many factors and an unhealthy degree of government intervention. The answer to the second one is easier. "You'll have to tighten your belt and hang on for the ride."

One of the first things to do is cut spending on recreation. I remember the last time anything of this magnitude happened here in Houston. We are still weathering the storm fairly well due to the energy sector.

But last time, one of the first things to go was gym memberships. That put a lot of personal trainers on the street, and their talents don't translate to many other occupations.

Instead of going to the movies, fueling up the ski and fishing boats, and eating out, it's still possible to have fun on a shoestring. Public libraries are still free. So are public parks. Why not begin a fitness routine outdoors, like a beginners running program?

All that takes is a pair of running shoes and shorts. There's always a good deal if you shop around and find a New Balance Clearance Sale. Heck, you don't even have to drive anywhere. It doesn't get any easier than that!

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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

How Dangerous will North Korea Get?

North Korea's latest missile test is problematic to say the least. Them saying they're launching for a satellite program is like saying OJ Simpson wasn't guilty (the first time, not the looney-tunes act in Las Vegas).

North Korea has arguably one of the strangest societies in the world. It's like quirkiness going exponential. The caricature that is Kim Jong il is enough to boggle the mind. The public's worshiping of him makes the whole thing stranger. If that's possible.

What do they see in him? The inner Elvis?

The question in my mind is this, "How is Obama going to handle this?" He'll be expected to be a leader. But how will he react?

He's practically advocating demilitarization, at least out of one side of the mouth. The other side is committing more action in Afghanistan and maintaining a continued presence in Iraq.

He needs to get on the stick and light the fire beneath Korea. Tell them to cease and desist. It'll be humiliating if Barak pulls another bow-at-the-hip act, but this time with Kim "Elvis" Jong il instead of the Sheik.

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Obama Appoints Yet Another Tax "Mistaker"

Being a tax avoider seems to be one of the most common traits of Obama's appointments. The latest "detail overlooker" is Health and Human Services nominee Kathleen Sebelius.

Sebelius, who is the Governor of Kansas, and her husband, who is a
federal magistrate judge, overlooked $7,040 in back taxes. Not just a single mistake either; they began overlooking details in 2005 and continued through 2007. Wow.

Now, I'm not trying to throw stones here; anybody can make a mistake. Some of theirs were ones that, well, I bet most of us make all the time. Especially it we're Governors and federal magistrate judges. Here's an interesting sampling of how this couple's finances went so wrong:
  • Not keeping paperwork for three charitable deductions.
  • Not enough documentation for various business expense deductions.
  • They took mortgage interest deductions for payments they continued to make even after they sold the home. I hate it when I keep paying for a house somebody else owns! I could've had a V-8! Argg!
OK, I'm just wondering here. Now that the Democrats are in charge of the whole game now, and the people getting appointed and confirmed can't seem to pay their taxes, doesn't it seem logical that they might take a look at simplifying the federal tax code?

I mean, if these people are smart enough to be running the country and can't figure it out, what hope is there for us serfs?

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