Monday, May 2, 2011

Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead, So Long Usama Bin Laden

Yes radical Muslims, we know you celebrate death in your "religion of peace". So celebrate today because your leader caught a bullet between the eyes. And guess what? There will be no virgins waiting for him as he goes to his watery grave.

We in the west have no desire to revert to the stone age, embrace woman-hating sharia law, and emulate the Flintstones. If certain knuckle-draggers want that, that's fine, but hey, keep it to yourselves. Those of us in America want none of it.

It's been years since Islam declared war on us and even though your leader has now been executed, we know the war is far from over.

Radical Islam's long-range plan to establish a new caliphate and rule the world with a sword and a religion which embraces hate and death will continue. But it is important to realize that it will not be successful.

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