Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Is Iran Preparing to be Slammed?

There's a lot of buzz lately about Iran's nuclear program again. Much of this is inferred by recent developments rather than by explicit statements. For example, Israel, who would certainly be the recipient of retaliation, has been conducting large scale military preparations.

Also, a statement by Israel’s National Infrastructure Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer braced Tehran about anticipated attacks on the Jewish homeland.

“An Iranian attack will prompt a severe reaction from Israel, which will destroy the Iranian nation,” he said.

Witness also VP Dick Cheney's recent whirlwind tour through the middle east. Innocent timing or downplayed diplomacy? Good question, and open to debate.

Iran has supplied Hezbollah with an arsenal that now contains “tens of thousands of missiles,” reports the Washington Post. This begs the question - why the buildup now? There seems to be only one likely explanation; an attack on a large scale is on the radar screen.

This would be a huge mistake on Iran's part. Their crackpot vision of a worldwide caliphate governing body might inspire them to such suicidal tomfoolery, but make no mistake about it, when bark comes to bite, the world community will take energy stability over religious zealotry in a heartbeat.

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