Monday, April 28, 2008

Pastor Jeremiah Wright Strikes Out

Obama's Pastor Jeremiah Wright fielded questions this morning at the Washington Press Club. Anyone expecting a legitimate man of the cloth was sadly disappointed. Part of the time he played the buffoon and part of the time he grandstanded. Mostly, he talked around questions.

In this, he was really acting like a politician. Asked about his incendiary remarks during his "sermons", at one point his response was to repeatedly ask the questioner if she has heard the entire sermon. When she said that she had not, he dismissed the question.

Whether one listens to a sound bite or the entire sermon, using the GD word in church, where people bring their children to worship, is nothing short of pathetic.

At least twice he joked that he was probably going to be vice president. I doubt that anyone expected him to come across as repentant, but by the same token, I doubt that anyone attended hoping to see a sad stand-up comedy routine.

Clearly this was a man enjoying being in the limelight. Why on earth would he do this to Obama?

Discussing all the hubbub surrounding his absurd performances behind the pulpit, he attempted to justify them. When asked about his insistence that the government had developed AIDS to target the black community, he mentioned a couple of books that apparently he takes as gospel, so to speak.

He repeatedly stated that the media wasn't after him, they're after the "black church". It's becoming more and more evident that the pastor is wallowing in a sea of conspiracy theories. The sad thing is that men like him are doing everything they can to keep the races at odds, all the while lining their pockets with money. Piety, where is thy sting?

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