Monday, February 16, 2009

It's Spending, Not Stimulus, Stupid

That's the problem, isn't it? Everyone wants to stimulate the economy, but unfortunately, Obama's "stimulus" package is not the way to do it. The main problem with it (other than the bloated nature of it), is that it's pretty slim on production.

It might put people to work, but it doesn't really produce any durable goods. That equals a lot of money chasing a dwindling pool of goods. The end result? Economic Inflation. The goods that will be available will all be produced elsewhere. Bonehead Jimmy Carter all over again.

So what does that mean? Stimulating someone else's economy, if anything. Like China. Would you like a little lead with that?

The whole thing stinks of the huge government spewing of greenbacks that Pelosi and the other socialists on the hill claim brought us out of the Great Depression. Wrong. It extended the depression. It was the war that got us out of that particular problem.

Why? Because it shifted paychecks to people producing things that could be marketed and purchased. That is stimulation. Get those dollars circulating. To people to make things, other people have to produce the raw materials. Other people have to move it, and others have to sell it. See where all this is going?
Angie's List!
Paying poets to write didn't do it back then and it won't today either, sheeple.

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