Thursday, February 26, 2009

Obama's Theoretical Tax Cut

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How gullible are Americans, really? Quite gullible is what Obama must be thinking. He claims he's going to give us all a tax "cut", but what he's actually done is tell employers to reduce the federal withholding tax on paychecks.

Who really thinks that's a tax cut? For the overwhelming number of workers, it just means they will get a smaller income tax return next spring. Folks, this is nothing but a shell game. It's not a cut, it's a shift.

The problem is that not enough people are working. But they want to. Here's an idea, Mr. Obama; get serious about the illegal aliens in this country. Send them packing and let Americans have their jobs.

The old bone about, "They only do the jobs Americans won't do" is a fiction. Just look at any construction site or road construction project in Texas. You won't hear much English being spoken.

Not five miles from my house there's a convenience store next to an apartment building. Drive by any day in the morning and you'll see upwards of fifty "guest workers" loitering, waiting to do day labor jobs.

And they won't budge for under $10 an hour.

Don't think for a minute that they're paying any taxes. But they certainly use city services. Where's the Immigration Service in all this? Asleep at the wheel. Why? Because this is one of many sanctuary cities.

So stop already with the shell game, Mr. President. Enforce the law of the land and allow citizens to take these jobs. Let them earn a wage and pay taxes.

That's the way to stimulate the economy. Not by encouraging illegal workers while extending unemployment insurance to the states with strings attached. Si se puede.

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