Sunday, March 23, 2008

Dutch Anti-Muslim Film Soon to be Released

Geert Wilder, member of the Dutch Parliament, has recently completed a new film that explores the rambling Koran as the basis for modern day Islamo-fascist terrorism and other current Muslim atrocities.

Although the film is a short, reputedly only fifteen minutes max, he can't get any Dutch television stations to touch it. Perhaps too many of them remember the aftermath of the Danish political cartoons of the Prophet Muhammed. Perhaps the Dutch feel it easier to lay down hoping to be spared as the more radical elements of the Muslim faith seek to establish themselves as they have in "inclusive" countries like France and the UK.

Wilder has been known to draw parallels between Hitler's Mein Kampf to the Koran, and Muhammed to Hitler himself. Is he far off the mark? Although the spread of Nazism was accompanied by uniformed troops and tanks, the spread of militant Islam today is accompanied by plain clothed terrorist cell members and child suicide bombers.

Mohamed Rabbae, chairman of the Dutch Moroccan Council, put it this way, “Wilders is a little bit crazy, if I may say it in this way, because he is fighting against somebody who has been living in the sixth century, not in our time.”

Which is exactly the point - the current threat to modern society is not Islam as a religion, just those fringe Islamic throwbacks that seek to establish a ruthless international Caliphate and return to the days of Fred Flintstone. Except with all the beheading and stoning, of course.

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