Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Dems Note: Paranoia will Destroy Ya

First we had that crybaby flap that Rush wanted Obama to fail. He had to clarify by saying that he wanted his policies to fail. This should have been obvious, but not to the libs and their lockstep media pals. Or was it?

Of course it was. Then why did they misconstrue what Rush said? Spin, spin, spin. Link it to their ambitions to impose the fairness doctrine on a free speech, free enterprise society.

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But, as the Ginzu knife hawker on TV would say, "But wait! We're not done yet!" The latest installment is brought to us by none other than Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

“It’s very clear they’ve made a decision they want President Obama to fail,” he told reporters, speaking of Senate Republicans.

And when pressed to answer why he thought that, he cited a number of things on Obama's wish list that they didn't approve of. It's clear that he's yearning for the days when Dems showed so much bipartisan support for President Bush.

And when pressed to identify exactly which Republicans he was referring to, all he would say is, a “number of Republicans.” Very reminiscent of Captain Queeg rolling his ball bearings in his hand and complaining about strawberry theft.

“It’s very clear,” Reid said. “Some have said so, others have acted accordingly.” Rattle, rattle. Put those ball bearings in your pocket, Harry; please.

Want more spin? On Tuesday 3/3/09, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and his team sat in hearings trying to defend Obama's $3.6 trillion budget, but the discussion kept getting shifted to the economic meltdown and subsequent (still not done with) bailouts.

In defence of the bailouts, they kept reiterating that they were just trying to clean up the mess left by the Bush administration.

Really? Let's not forget that it was McCain and other Republicans that kept pressing for a reform of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac who precipiated the "mess". But the F&F lobbiests kept spreading the cash to prevent reform. Who was the #2 recipient of all that lobby grease?

Drumroll, please. None other than Barak Obama. In fact, the top three were Democrats. So it seems responsibility for the "mess" belongs arguably to the current administration.

In fairness though, the seed of the matter may be older. After all, it was Clinton administration that created F&F and encouraged them to provide mortgages for Americans that could not afford them.

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