The fact that both Hillary and Sarah Palin pointed out, and quite correctly, that Barak seriously lacked executive experience was lost on his many disciples. But now, as his swept-under-the-carpet pastor would say, "Obama's chickens have come home to roost!"
Rest assured that this assertion is not made lightly. Barak Obama has come to office as possibly the least qualified candidate in the history of the nation. Not only that, but he still sees the world through the rose-colored eyeglasses of academia.
This is not to say that he can't mature in the ways of the world and the office, but even Joltin' Joe Biden said this is not an on-the-job-training kind of job. There's simply too much power potential involved.
- Delivering that pathetic speech to the Iranian people. This is not realistic "reaching out;" what this boils down to is people from that culture seeing a weak and inept leader.
- After condemning President Bush for employing signing statements as an abuse of power, and promising to exercise more restraint when using them he is doing just that himself. His campaign said he would not issue “signing statements that undermine the legislative intent.” But his latest one is used to bypass whistle-blower protections for executive branch officials who give certain information to Congress. That's paranoid behavior and a lack of transparency. Even executive branch officials are civil servants, a fact lost on today's elite class of professional politicians.
- He now laments the fact that he's in a "Washington bubble" and out of contact with the common folk. Mr. Obama, as the highest executive in the land, you don't have time for that; you must use other methods to keep your hand on pulse of the nation. You're not a community organizer any more - deal with it; Get Organized.
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