Sunday, March 15, 2009

Obama May be Tested

The Uncommon USA Fly Right House Flag Set
During the campaign, many of his supporters compared him to the late President Kennedy. True, they are both superb orators, and we can only hope that is the light in which the reference was made.

And who can forget Jumpin' Joe Biden making the ominous pronouncement (or dramatic prediction) that the messiah would be "tested" early in his administration, and the decisions the president made would not be readily recognized as the correct move.

Both of these observations may be at the point of converging. Who can forget JFK staring down the Soviets, intent on establishing missile bases in Cuba?

Now, the Russians are making nice and playing snuggle-puppy with both Cuba and Venezuela. They've sent up a trial balloon on the possibility of using a military airfield on La Orchila island to park their Russian strategic bombers.

Hugo Chavez is keen on hosting them.

Cuba is also courting the big red bear and is leaving the door open for them to establish a military presence right on America's doorstep.

"This is possible in Cuba," said General Anatoly Zhikharev, chief of the Russian air force's strategic aviation staff, to the Interfax-AVN military news agency.

Could this be Barak's JFK moment? The one Jumpin' Joe prophesied for the messiah? We know the reds wouldn't have dared make this move with Bush in office, or even Clinton. But Barak is an acknowledged socialist and they obviously feel some dogmatic kinship with him.

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At this point, the president is still somewhat an unknown quantity, given more to nebulous rhetoric than decisive action.

And the fact of the matter is that Russians have never been that way. For better or worse, they are men of action. Sometimes brutal, it's true; but you can count on bold action, even when it's ill-conceived.

If this test is indeed on the horizon, Obama has two choices: fall in line with his marxist belief system, or unlike Michelle, decide he's proud of his country and grow a pair.

Choose wisely.

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